Our Comprehensive Services
Classictown Books offers a comprehensive range of services to ensure the successful publication of your work. These services include:
- Manuscript Evaluation and Editorial Review: Comprehensive evaluation of the manuscript, with detailed editorial feedback and recommendations.
- Curatorial Oversight: Tailored curation of each work to ensure it aligns with academic standards and publishing goals.
- Translation of Original Work: Translation services utilizing specialized AI technology to ensure high-quality and accurate translations.
- Bibliography Conversion: Conversion of the manuscript’s bibliography from the ABNT citation format to the Chicago style.
- Technical Editing: Professional technical editing by qualified specialists to refine the manuscript’s structure, language, and clarity.
- Kindle Formatting: Professional formatting for Kindle, ensuring that the digital version is optimized for e-readers.
- Print Formatting: Professional formatting for print editions, with attention to detail for physical publication.
- ISBN Request: Obtaining an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for each work to ensure it is recognized and registered globally.
- Cover Design: Custom cover design to ensure the book has a visually compelling and professional appearance.
- Print-on-Demand Publishing: Printed copies available on demand, starting from a minimum order of 30 books.
- Website Promotion: Featured publication on the publisher’s official website to increase visibility and reach.
- Specialized Divulgation: Outreach and promotion through specialized academic channels and networks to enhance the book’s exposure in relevant fields.
Observation: These services are designed to ensure that every stage of the publishing process is handled with professionalism and expertise, supporting authors from manuscript submission to book promotion.